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∞ /notes/diagrams-in-wiki-markup-with-mylyn-wikitext-dot-and-zest | 2010-02-07 | eclipse graphviz soc zest
Cross-posted to: https://fsteeg.wordpress.com/2010/02/07/diagrams-in-wiki-markup-with-mylyn-wikitext-dot-and-zest/
I'm continuing on my ancient quest for Graphviz DOT support in Eclipse: after implementing initial support for rendering DOT with Zest in Eclipse through dot4zest and some early tinkering with dynamically drawing DOT embedded in wiki markup with Zest, I have now started to approach the next step: integrating the Graphviz export into the Mylyn WikiText editor. Say we are editing embedded DOT in wiki markup with the Mylyn WikiText editor and have an open dot4zest Zest graph view, which displays a Zest representation of the DOT graph (powered by the EMF model visualizer and Xtext - vote Xtext!):http://quui.com/updates
(category Zest -> feature dot4zest).