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∞ /notes/graphviz-dot-import-for-zest | 2009-06-01 | eclipse graphviz soc zest
Cross-posted to: https://fsteeg.wordpress.com/2009/06/01/graphviz-dot-import-for-zest/
I've completed the first milestone of my Google Summer of Code project, Graphviz DOT as a DSL for Zest. Milestone 1 implements basic Graphviz import for Zest by generating Zest Graph subclasses from DOT descriptions. Details can be found on the project's Eclipse wiki page. A useful insight I got out of this first week of coding is that by participating in the SOC I'm learning that I don't actually need the SOC to contribute to Eclipse. I could have written mails, filed bugs and done the coding just the same. Except of course for that little red book, which accumulates money on a magic 'gift card' hidden in the back cover.