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∞ /notes/metadata-processing-with-metafacture-and-eclipse | 2013-04-28 | programming eclipse metadata xtext dsl
Cross-posted to: https://fsteeg.wordpress.com/2013/04/28/metadata-processing-with-metafacture-and-eclipse/
A lot has happened job-wise for me since my last post: in the summer I quit my little trip into the startup world (where I used Clojure and was not just the only Eclipse user on the team, but actually the only IDE user) and joined hbz, the Library Service Center of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The library part is actually about the book thing, and it sort of divides not only the general public, but the Eclipse community as well:I’m with Alex Blewitt’s kids on this one. And for what ‘retro’ means, I recently saw a nice definition:@waynebeaton @DonaldOJDK @IanSkerrett I go with my kids to get library books every week. They think it's retro.
— Alex Blewitt (@alblue) March 5, 2013
"Gamers say we're 'retro', which I guess means 'old, but cool'" -- Wreck-It RalphOK, so libraries are old, but cool. But what’s in the library world for a programmer? Metadata!
At hbz, we don’t deal with books, but with information about books. I’m in the Linked Open Data group, where we work on bringing this library metadata to the web. At the heart of this task is processing and transforming the metadata, which is stored in different formats. In general, metadata provides information about specific aspects of some data. For libraries, the data is books, and the aspects described by the metadata are things like the book’s author, title, etc. These aspects can be represented as key-value pairs, giving metadata a structure of key-value pairs, grouped to describe the aspects of some piece of data. Given this general structure, metadata processing isn’t a problem specific to libraries. Even if you take only open, textual formats like XML or JSON, you simply have a myriad of ways to express your specific set of metadata (e.g. which keys to use, or how to represent nested structure). Given this reality of computing, metadata processing is not only at the heart of library data, but central to any data processing or information system. Therefore I was very happy to learn about a very useful toolkit for metadata processing called Metafacture, developed by our partners in the Culturegraph project at the German National Library....and if you're interested in metadata, you should be interested in library metadata. That's where metadata began.
— Bob DuCharme (@bobdc) February 22, 2013
keyword). The first interesting part of the workflow is how to interpret this input path. What we mean here is the path to a local, uncompressed file:
8564 .u
(the URL field identifier in the MARC format) to http://lobid.org/vocab/lobid#fulltextOnline
(the identifier used for full text references in our linked open data). The second rule does the same for the field 24500.a
, mapping it to http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/elements/P1004
(the title field), but this second rule also changes the value: it removes newlines with surrounding spaces by calling the replace Morph function. There are many options in the Metafacture Morph language, but this should give you the basic idea. For details, see the Metafacture Morph user guide.
After the actual transformation, we have new key-value pairs, which we now want to encode somehow. In our use case at hbz, we want to create linked open data to be processed with Hadoop, so we wrote an encoder for N-Triples, a line-based RDF graph serialization:
command, but first opened a stream-tee
to branch the output of the morph
command into two different receivers, one generating the mentioned N-Triples, the other creating a renderable representation of the graph in the Graphviz DOT language:
, decode-xml
in the Flux file above) and Morph functions (e.g. replace
in the Morph XML file above) are actually Java classes implementing specific interfaces that are called using reflection internally. The additional content assist information above is generated from annotations on these classes.
With its stream-based processing pipeline inspired by an architecture developed by Jörg Prante at hbz, Metafacture is efficient and can deal with big data. With its declarative, modular setup with Morph and Flux files Metafacture provides accurate, complete, and reproducible documentation on how the data was created.